College Babysitters and Nannies
Today many busy families are choosing to hire professional childcare workers to provide an extra level of care for their children by employing college students as part time nannies or babysitters. Why choose a college student as a part time nanny or baby sitter? There are some very good reasons!
Often many college students are from out of town and have the extra expense of food, transportation and accommodation. To defray these costs many college students really need reliable jobs that allow them time for their school work. This need generally means that the college student hired as a part time nanny or babysitter will be dependable and intelligent. Being a college student looking for extra income means that the wage or salary paid will usually be very reasonable.
College students usually have time availability and flexibility, as classes take place at different times of the day, not just on a 9-5 basis, this offers a family the opportunity for part time caregivers whose times match theirs! Generally, these students also have a long summer holiday off of school which gives them an opportunity to find summer employment as temporary part time or full time nannies or babysitters.
There are also the benefits of youth! These college students are generally young adults who have a lot of energy to devote to the children that they care for. They can join in the play and even arrange for hikes and trail walks. College students can also play a very important dual role of nanny/babysitter and tutor. Very often these college student nannies and babysitters will specifically advertise the subjects that are strong in to attract families whose children need the remedial school work. Even if there is no formal agreement to tutor, there is always a need for checking and helping with homework. If a family chooses, they could select a college student who is either from a different country or one that has specialized language skills…what a great opportunity to introduce children to other cultures and languages!
If a family has a child with either special medical or educational needs many of the college students who are looking for work as par time caregivers have excellent, professional training as many of these students are attending nursing college while many others are taking early youth/childhood education programs.
In the end, college students as nannies or babysitters are a great idea, families get excellent care for their children while the children have great opportunities for fun and education…and the college students gain “real life” experience while earning much needed income…this is definitely a “win win” situation!